Membership Categories/Rates – 2024/2025
New members are always made most welcome. There is no joining fee and we do not ask for a proposer or seconder. If you are new member we will give you a welcome pack which includes various club guides. This is to enable you get the best of your membership and get to know how the club operates – booking tee times, getting a handicap, entering competitions, using the facilities; etc.
- Standard Membership Fees for the season 2023 to 2024 are shown in the table below.
- The membership year starts on 1st April.
- If you choose to pay by monthly Direct Debit, Credit Card or PayPal, there is an administration fee of 5%.
Category | Membership | Affiliation Fee |
Total Payment |
Full Aged 28+ | £714.75 | £18-25 | £733.00 |
Joint Full | £1,379.50 | £36-50 | £1,416.00 |
Full Aged 25-27 | £501.75 | £18-25 | £520.00 |
Full Aged 22-24 | £295.75 | £18-25 | £314.00 |
Junior Aged 18-21* | £123.75 | £18-25 | £142.00 |
Junior Aged 13-17* | £49.00 | £18-25 | £70.00 |
Junior Aged Under 13* | £10.00 | £0.00 | £10.00 |
5 Day (Mon-Fri) | £584.75 | £18-25 | £603.00 |
Special (see below) | £499.75 | £18-25 | £518.00 |
Aged 75+ (By 01/04) | £499.75 | £18-25 | £518.00 |
Community | £502.50 | £18-25 | £520.00 |
Ex-NCB | £357.75 | £18-25 | £376.00 |
Hon / Life | £0.00 | £18-25 | £18.25 |
Lockers: Wood/Metal | £48.00/£25.00 |
- Members who can only play when Buggies are in use.
- Country Members who live more than 30miles away.
Corporate Membership
If you considering Corporate Membership which can be used to reward employees, entertain clients or guests then please contact us. We will be pleased to discuss a suitable package with you based on when you want to play and how many guests would be involved. If you require any further information, please contact the club click here for contact details
Payment Options
- Pay cash or cheque directly to the club.
- Southmoor Golf Club
- Sort Code 20-33-51
- Account Number 70234583
- Use your name as the reference for the payment.
- Pay by Direct Debit form, downloadable by clicking here.